The FDA oversees more than 36.9 million shipments of regulated products from over 150 countries to 130,000 U.S. importers. These products are manufactured, processed, or packaged at more than 300,000 foreign facilities.
Is your company manufacturing, exporting, importing or distributing personal protective equipment (PPE) or hand sanitizers?
Are you considering shipping food products, medical devices, drug products or cosmetics to the United States?
The registration of your facility or establishment with the FDA is required, and ITB HOLDINGS LLC is ready to assist.
Domestic and foreign companies are required to have a DUNS (Data Universal Numbering System) Number issued by Dun & Bradstreet Inc to all types of business organizations including sole proprietorships, corporations, partnerships, non-profits, and government entities.
$99.00 for Food Facility Registration. Click on link below.